Quality Policy
Quality is always the guarantee of success for a company.
However, success requires bearing common responsibility by all employees and members of a company, and can only be achieved and assured by complying with the requirements of the applied Quality Management System and continuously developing the efficiency thereof, always in compliance with the prevailing applicable laws and ordinances.
For this purpose, at İzvar, employees at each level are provided with the necessary training while they are encouraged to participation in and contribution to the in-house applied Quality Management System through proper motivation, so that all employees fulfill their tasks within the system always full and on the best way.
For continuing to remain a reliable and preferred enterprise in the industrial packaging sector, our principal target is to provide and continuously develop customer satisfaction in every aspect. Therefore, we are committed to work systematically within our applicable work schedules to ensure timely supply and delivery of customer orders always in required quality.
Nowadays, we are living in a globalizing world where the economies, cultures and communities in both the developed and the developing industrial societies are acting jointly and integrating to each other. In such a milieu, where all effective factors are influencing and modifying each other in compliance with the Global Balance Theory, it is a necessity to treat in global industries the management types and methods as an entire with the management systems and any managerial activities, and to create a worldwide standardization with respect management and to perform and develop the management and any managerial effects within the framework of such standards to be created.
Since 1989, İzvar, follows closely the latest developments in the management-related issues as aforesaid, and has recently started to reshape its managerial system structure in accordance with such development by considering the applicable management system as a key-element of organizational success.
Our Company adapted to its organizational body all the above-mentioned developments in the field of global management system and received in 1996 the Certificate of Quality Management System. Within the following years, it developed its quality understanding and standards year by year, and has been awarded several times by the WPO (World Packaging Organization), the TSE (Turkish Standards Institution) and by many other institutions various prizes such as Worldstar, Altın Ambalaj (Golden Packaging) and various other quality awards.
Another essential factor contributing to the organizational success of İzvar Ambalaj is its organizational consciousness and culture of work safety and health and environment protection.
While producing high quality products and services, our Company always attaches great importance to health and safety at work and workplace and to the protection of environment. For the sake of ensuring a healthy and safe workplace and protecting the environment, İzvar Ambalaj developed a HSE-Policy to minimize any eventual environmental impacts and to eliminate or reduce any eventual risks threatening our employees, subcontractors or any third parties whatsoever. We are profoundly convinced that all our staff, employees, subcontractors and suppliers will support us in the implementation of our HSE-Policy at each level.
In line with its HSE-Policy and Corporate Culture, İzvar successfully adapted Quality Management System (ISO 9001), Environmental Management System (ISO 14001), Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18001), Food Safety Management System (ISO 22000), Information Security Management system (ISO27001) as one of the pioneers in its sector.
Like till now, İzvar, will also henceforth continue to contribute to the economic development of our country by the assets it created through its projects related not only to the diminishing of the consumption of natural sources by reconditioning once used packaging products but also to the occupational health and safety of its employees and protection of the environment, and that by its more and more increasing performance.